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Meditation is a very ancient practice that we are starting to reconnect with today. It is also known as one of the practices of mindfulness, allowing us to become more aware of who we are, what we do and where we are going. Meditation is a wonderful practice allowing to connect to ourselves, to others and to the world w are in, in such a peaceful and conscious way. If you are still new to this practice and its benefits, I recommend that you read the article I wrote on that subject.


Trained in Rishikesh, India, and having gathered practices from all over the world, I intuitively guide you during my sessions. Whether in a group or 1:1, a session will definitively make you feel more relaxed, grounded and connected to yourself in a very deep way. 

I host online sessions and you can contact me by email at to be informed of the upcoming group sessions or to book an individual one. 

Laughing Yoga

Group Meditation

1h Group Session : 30€

Group Meditation is absolutely beautiful and the energy of the group always creates an incredible beacon of growth and support. For the group sessions, I choose a theme fitting for the group energy as well as the energies of the moment. I intuitively you as a collective at that moment so that each individual can connect to him/herself as well as to the group energy.

Meditating by the Pool

Individual Meditation

1h Individual Session : 50€

Individual meditation sessions are highly transformative and relaxing at the same time. We choose a theme together for each session based on what you are feeling and want to focus on at the moment. I guide you through different stages during the session, providing a space for you to feel safe and grow. 


+33 6 87 28 60 99



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